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Common Symptoms for Urinary Incontinence and Solutions to Try Today

Writer's picture: Stephanie YehStephanie Yeh

Updated: Dec 10, 2023

Urinary incontinence can be frustrating, anxiety ridden, and be a huge drag on doing things you enjoy. It is often a taboo topic of discussion, which means that many people do not know that

  • it is very common amongst all age groups

  • can often stem from poor bladder management habits

  • there are SIMPLE SOLUTIONS to solving this problem

Some common symptoms that present with urinary incontinence include feeling like:

  • Going pee is an often “emergency” situation?

  • You’re always scoping out bathrooms and planning your day around when to go to the bathroom?

  • You’re leaking urine before you can make it to the bathroom?

  • The muscles in your hips and pelvis feel kind of tired from clenching a lot?

  • Wearing a pad during the day or for workouts is part of your routine because you’re worried about leaking?

  • Crossing your legs before coughing, laughing, or sneezing has become a habit?

You may have urge and/or stress incontinence. Both of these diagnoses can present with the symptoms listed above and results from altered bladder habits as well as changes in your pelvic floor muscles.

Common Mistakes that can Contribute to Leakage and How to Fix Them Today

Are you doing this?

Try This Instead

Not Drinking Enough Water

Dehydration can lead to concentrated urine resulting in bladder irritation.

Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water and spread the water throughout the day. For example, someone who weighs 140 pounds should try to integrate 70 ounces of water into their day.

Drinking Too Much Water all at Once

Overfilling your bladder can cause increased strain on the pelvic floor muscles leading to fatigued and overworked.

Drink water throughout the day. Focus on taking small, 4-6 ounce sips of water throughout the day and peeing every 2-4 hours. Chugging water all at once can overload the bladder and result in increased urge.

Consuming Bladder Irritants

Your bladder is a muscle, if it is irritated, it will not function as well.

Reduce or eliminate bladder irritants such as coffee, seltzer, alcohol, tea, and artificial sweeteners. I know this part sucks, but worth it if it reduces leakage.

Clenching your butt muscles during the day

Constantly keeping your pelvic floor and hip muscles engaged cause them to be “on” all the time. This can lead to overworked muscles and sometimes leads to spasms.

Take deep fully body breaths and try pelvic floor stretches to promote your pelvic floor to relax.

Going to the bathroom “Just in Case”

Your bladder’s job is to hold urine. Going to the bathroom “just in case” can train your bladder to hold smaller volumes of liquid, rather than filling to its regular capacity. This results in a cycle of going to the bathroom more frequently because your bladder volume is smaller.

Go to the bathroom when you feel the urge to go. Normal urination frequency is every 2-4 hours. Only go “just in case” in specific situations such as before sleeping or before long car rides.


Your bowel and bladder are neighbors, one lives right next to the other. If your bowel is backed up, it may be putting pressure on your bladder and limit it from fully expanding. Aim to consume 20-30g of fiber and drink water throughout the day. Your poop should have a smooth, “snake like,” consistency and you should be pooping regularly.

Pelvic floor physical therapy can be your solution for solving this problem!

Reach out if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, I can help trouble shoot and help you stay leak free!



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